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作者: 发布日期:2023-02-27 浏览:

陈鸷,男,湖北荆州市人,中共党员,beat365官方网站专任教师(2020-至今),副教授,湖北省“百人计划”创新人才项目入选者(2021)。本科(2003-2007)毕业于厦门大学化学系(导师:杨意泉教授);后进入上海德铭生物科技有限公司从事有机合成研究员工作(2007-2009);硕士(2010-2013)毕业于复旦大学高分子科学系(导师:王海涛副教授);博士(2013-2018)毕业于德国亚琛工业大学高分子化学与物理专业,并于DWI莱布尼茨交互材料研究所从事博士后(2018-2020)研究工作(导师:Prof. Dr. Martin Möller)。




1.超疏水涂布材料的开发(德国能源和经济部课题,与德国开姆尼茨工业大学合作研发,项目批准号:BMWi/AiF IGF 19959 BG,项目经费:487940欧元,2018.02-2020.07)

2.亲肤型香料缓释微胶囊与织物防蚊整理用微胶囊的制备(德国能源和经济部课题,项目批准号:BMWi/AiF IGF 19892 N,项目经费:257780欧元,2018.01-2019.12)

3.轻质、防尘、隔热纳米多孔材料的制备(德国能源和经济部课题,项目批准号:BMWi/AiF IGF 19620 N,项目经费:248490欧元,2017.07-2019.12)

4.利用流动化学技术开发可持续配方(欧盟课题,项目批准号:EU EMR60,项目经费:1019560欧元,2018.10-2022.02)


1.Chen, Z.; Zhao. Y.L.; Zhu, X. M. Inclusion of hydrophobic liquids in silica aerogel microparticles in an aqueous process – microencapsulation and extra pore creation.ACS Appl. Mater.2021, 13, 10, 12230-12240.(中科院一区,影响因子:8.758)

2.Chen, Z.; Zhao, Y. L.; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. Formation of monodisperse polymer@SiO2core-shell nanoparticles via polymerization in emulsions stabilized by amphiphilic silica precursor polymers: HLB dictates the reaction mechanism and particle size.Macromolecules2019,52,15, 5670−5978.(中科院一区,影响因子:5.88)

3. Schaefer K.;Chen, Z.; Zhu, X. M.; Kaßner L.; Spange S.; Mehring M.; Möller, M. Textile finishing by combination of twin polymerization and polyalkoxysilioxane chemistry.Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf international textile conference:2019,Nov. 28-29th.

4.Chen, Z.; Zhao, Y. L.; Zhao, Y.; Thomas, H; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. Inclusion of phase-change materials in submicron silica capsules using a surfactant-free emulsion approach.Langmuir2018,34, 10397−10406.(中科院二区,影响因子:3.833)

5. Zhao, Y. L.; Liu J. L.;Chen, Z.; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. Hybrid nanostructured particles via surfactant-free double miniemulsion polymerization.Nat. Commun.2018,9: 1918.(中科院一区,影响因子:12.124)

6. Zhao, Y. L.;Chen, Z.; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. A facile one-step approach toward polymer@SiO2core-shell nanoparticles via a surfactant-free miniemulsion polymerization technique.Macromolecules2016,49(5): 1552-1562.(中科院一区,影响因子:5.88)

7.Zhao, Y. L.;Chen, Z.; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. Silica nanoparticles catalyse the formation of silica nanocapsules in a surfactant-free emulsion system.J. Mater. Chem. A2015,3, 24428-24436.(中科院一区,影响因子:11.301)

8. Zhang, C.; Yan, K. L.; Hu, C. Y.; Zhao, Y. L.;Chen, Z.; Zhu, X. M.; Möller, M. Encapsulation of enzymes in silica nanocapsules formed by an amphiphilic precursor polymer in water.J. Mater. Chem. B2015,3, 1261-1267.(中科院二区,影响因子:5.344)

10.Chen, Z., Qin, Z. W., Wang, H. T., Du, Q. G. Tailoring surface structure of polymer nanospheres in Pickering emulsion polymerization.J. Colloid Interface Sci.2013,401: 80-87.(中科院二区,影响因子:9.489)

10. Zhang, H.,Chen, Z., Zheng, Z., Zhu, X.M., Wang, H.T. Shape memory polymer hybrids of SBS/dl-PLA and their shape memory effects.Mater. Chem. Phys.2013, 137 (3): 750-755.(中科院三区区,影响因子:3.408)

11.Chen, Z., Wang HT, Du QG. A method for the preparation of polymer microspheres for electrophoretic display. Patent Application No. CN103193916B.

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